Edited 3/10/23
Are you a teacher who would like to earn some extra income outside of work hours? There are plenty of side hustles for teachers and online part time jobs for teachers that are perfect for earning some extra money on the side.
Below is a list of side hustles for teachers (many of which I have done before) and online part time jobs for teachers that can help you earn more money (to use on travel, or anything else!)
Online Part Time Jobs For Teachers
1) Teach English online
A few popular websites for teaching English online are VIPKID, QKids, Palfish, and MagicEars. The great thing about teaching English online is that due to different time zones, you can easily teach online before or after your regular school day. Salaries are typically anywhere between $10-$22 per hour.
When teaching English online, it is helpful to hold a TEFL certificate. The added qualification of a TEFL certificate can also help you to command a higher rate of pay. Be sure to check out The TEFL Academy, which is the most reputable course provider in the US for those looking to teach English as a second language.
2) Become a virtual assistant
Working as a virtual assistant requires strong organizational and communication skills- both of which are skills needed to be a teacher. Virtual assistant jobs duties are diverse and can include providing administrative support, customer service, or social media management. To find work as a virtual assistant you can reach out directly to companies to offer your services, find jobs on social media (such as through virtual assistant Facebook groups), or look for job listings on websites such as Indeed, Upwork, and Glassdoor.
3) Offer your skills on fiverr
Fiverr is a place to offer your services for pretty much ANYTHING that you have a talent in. From offering dance choreography, voice-overs, translation services, administrative assistance- there is no limit to the types of jobs that a company might need to hire for! Given the variety of services that you could offer on the website, this is a great option for online part time jobs for teachers who want flexibility in hours and scheduling.
4) Freelance writing/ghostwriting
Freelance writing or ghostwriting is a great option for an online part time job for teachers who have strong writing skills. To find work as a freelance writer or ghost writer you can network on social media (there are several freelance/ghostwriting facebook groups), pitch to potential clients (such as magazines and blogs), or list your services on Upwork or Fiverr.
5) Work as a proofreader
Teachers have plenty of experience grading assignments and reading student work, both of which are helpful skills when working as a proofreader. Similar to finding work as a freelance writer or ghostwriter, you can find work as a proofreader by listing your services on Upwork or Fiverr. Due to flexibility in hours and schedule, this can be a great online part time job for teachers.
6) Create video lessons for 1Question
1Question is an app where children can learn through “Micro-Courses” from educators around the world. Their micro-courses are made up of 1-minute TikTok-style video lessons followed by a set of comprehension questions.
1Question is looking for teachers to help them create micro-courses in a variety of subjects (math, science, personal finance, etc.) for Elementary/Primary school students. Teachers get paid a rate of $75 USD per video, and can create anywhere between 4-20 videos per month (so you could earn $300-$1500 per month!).
This is a great remote side hustle for teachers where you can work creatively and on your own schedule.
Get more information and apply to be a 1Question Educator here.
7) Get paid for your social media
Did you know that you can leverage social media into a steady stream of side income? Tik Tok and Instagram influencers with ~10,000 followers can charge $200+ per sponsored post. It takes a long time to build an audience on Instagram and Tik Tok- so this is more of a long-term plan for building side income that requires a lot of time and dedication.
8) Share your opinion in Focus Groups
Businesses often use Focus Groups to get opinions on their services and products. Participants in focus groups can earn a lot of money (often $100 or more per hour). Some websites and businesses to find focus groups are Schlesinger Group, FocusGroup.com, and Experience Dynamics.
9) Sell virtual products on Etsy
Etsy is a well known website for selling products, crafts, and unique items. Not only can you sell physical products on Etsy, but you can also sell digital products such as resume templates, printable art, wedding/event printables, eBooks, lightroom presets, and printable cards. This is a great side hustle for teachers since it requires no physical inventory or monetary investment.
10) Sell Merch on Amazon
Through merch.amazon.com, you can upload designs and sell personalized T-Shirts, Hoodies, and other clothing items. Items are printed on demand as they are ordered, so this requires no physical inventory or monetary investment from the designer’s side.
11) Sell Merch on CafePress
Similar to selling merch on Amazon, CafePress is a website that allows you to design a variety of products to sell. No monetary investment or physical inventory is needed to start your shop.
12) Work as a translator
Working as a translator is a great online part time job for teachers who can speak and write in multiple languages. To find translator jobs, check out gengo.com, or list your services on Fiverr or Upwork.
Online Passive Income Sources For Teachers
13) Sell curriculum or materials on TeachersPayTeachers
TeachersPayTeachers is a popular website to purchase lesson plans, printables, and curriculum materials. It is very easy to become a seller on TeachersPayTeachers and upload your own material to sell. Many sellers on TPT earn hundreds to thousands of dollars each month on their sales. Once your products are listed you do not need to invest much more time, which makes this a great source of passive income for teachers.
14) Start an education blog
Did you know that you can earn money from blogging through ads on your blog and affiliate marketing? Starting a blog is a significant amount of work, and most likely it will take a few years before you are able to start earning reliable income from your blog. However, if you enjoy writing, have knowledge or a skill set that you would like to share, and have the time to invest, starting an education blog is a great option for an online part time job for teachers where you can work on your own schedule and eventually have a passive income stream.
15) Create an online course
Do you have a skill that you would like to share with others? You can create an online course and sell it on an online platform such as Udemy, SkillShare, or Teachable. Once your course is live, it does not require much of a time investment, which makes this a fantastic option for a passive income stream for teachers.
16) Create/sell an eBook
Similar to creating an online course, if you have a skill that you would like to share, you can create an eBook to sell. A few ways to promote eBook sales are through social media, Facebook groups, or by listing on a third party site such as Amazon.
17) Share your knowledge through Youtube or Podcasts
Youtube and Podcast creators can earn income through ads on their videos and podcast episodes. To earn money on Youtube, you need at least 1,000 subscribers. Given that you can create videos and podcasts on your own schedule, this is a great online part time job for teachers who need schedule flexibility.
Other Side Hustles for Teachers
18) Babysit
Babysitting was my first teacher side hustle! The best way to find babysitting jobs is by asking around your network and joining local Facebook groups. You can also look for babysitting jobs on Care.com, Sittercity, and UrbanSitter.
19) Tutor
Tutoring is a great side hustle for teachers. My favorite part of tutoring is the ability to set your own schedule and rates. In addition, working one-on-one with a student after a day of teaching in the classroom can feel so effortless in comparison. I recommend working privately as a tutor rather than through a tutoring company so that you can command higher rates. Once you find your first client, it is easy to grow your tutoring business through referrals.
20) Teach music lessons
Similar to tutoring, teaching music lessons is another one of the best side hustle for teachers who are also musicians. Teaching flute, piano, guitar, and ukulele has been my main teacher side hustle for the past eight years!
21) Become an adjunct professor
If you are passionate about education and helping the next generation of educators, you can teach education classes at local colleges. College courses often take place in the evening, making this an option as a part time job for teachers that can be done after the school day.
22) Entertain at children’s birthday parties
Teachers are skilled at commanding a room and keeping children engaged, which are skills also needed to be an entertainer for children’s birthday parties. Some common birthday party activities that families seek to hire for are magicians, musicians, face painters, balloon animal makers, and puppeteers. You could also facilitate painting, cooking, baking, or craft activities.
23) House sit
This is a particularly great option during summer vacation so that you can combine travel and work. A few websites for finding house sitting jobs include TrustedHousesitters, MindMyHouse, and Nomador.
24) Pet sit
If you are a cat or dog lover, you can become a pet sitter in your spare time! One way to start your own pet sitting business is by advertising your services in local Facebook groups. To earn money from pet sitting, you can offer to have animals spend weekends or weeks at your home. Alternatively, you can also offer services in your client’s homes. This can be a fun part time job for teachers who love animals!
25) Dog walking
Similar to pet sitting, dog walking is a great side hustle for teachers who are animal lovers. Teachers have a very early schedule and are often done with school by the afternoon- so you can offer services as an afternoon/evening dog walker for people who have a late work schedule.
26) Deliver for uber eats or post mates
UberEats and Postmates drivers typically earn $12-$20 per hour. Peak hours are during dinner time which makes this a great after school side hustle for teachers.
27) Deliver for Instacart or Amazon Fresh
In order to work for either of these services, you must have a car and be able to lift 30-40 pounds. Some perks of working for these services is the ability to schedule your own hours.
28) Drive for Uber or Lyft
Driving for Uber or Lyft is a great part time job for teachers who enjoy driving. Salaries vary depending on location, but you can expect to earn anywhere between $10 and $25 per hour.
29) Offer skills/services on Task Rabbit
TaskRabbit is an app that people use when they need freelance labor or help with odd jobs. The best thing about TaskRabbit is the ability to set your own fees and schedules. Some examples of services that you can list on TaskRabbit are cleaning services, assembling furniture, running errands, planting flowers, or hanging art.
30) Sell on Etsy
Selling products on Etsy is a great side hustle for teachers who love crafting. There are many products that you can sell on Etsy- especially if you already are talented at making designs with a Cricut or creating other types of crafts/art.
31) Sell used clothes on Poshmark
Selling used clothes on Poshmark is a great way to earn side income as a teacher. In addition to selling clothes that you no longer wear, you can shop at thrift stores to sell high-quality second hand clothes for a profit.
32) Sell items on eBay
Similar to selling used clothes on Poshmark, you can sell almost any item on eBay! You can start by listing your old items that are taking up space and no longer needed. If you enjoy finding items at thrift stores, garage sales, or estate sales, you can also turn this into a regular stream of income by purchasing items and then selling them online for a profit.
33) Bartending/Waitressing
Restaurants and bars are often busiest during evenings and weekends, which can make bartending or waitressing an ideal side hustle for teachers.
34) List your home on Airbnb or VRBO
If you have a spare bedroom, you can list it on Airbnb or VRBO to earn a steady stream of side income.
35) Host an Airbnb experience
Not only do people use Airbnb to rent rooms, but people also use Airbnb’s to schedule excursions and local experiences. Some examples of Airbnb experiences that you can host are local walking tours or cooking classes. Leading Airbnb experiences is the perfect teacher side hustle for teachers who feel comfortable leading a crowd and socializing.
36) Rent out your car
If you have a spare car or do not need your car on weekends, you can list your car on a rental app such as Turo. People often use Turo if they need a car rental while traveling because it can be cheaper than renting from a car dealership. Similar to listing a spare bedroom on Airbnb, listing your car on Turo is a great way to earn extra income as teacher.
37) Rent out your pool
Do you have a pool? If so, you can list it on Swimply and get paid by the hour to let people access your pool when you are not using it.
38) Become a real estate agent
Becoming a real estate agent is a potentially very lucrative side hustle for teachers. Working as a real estate agent requires flexibility and the willingness to show homes on evenings and weekends, which could fit in very well with a teacher’s schedule. To become a real estate agent you need a real estate license, and requirements vary by state.
39) Become a travel agent
Working as a travel agent is a great side hustle for teachers who love to travel and have a strong knowledge of destinations, . To work as a travel agent, you could work for a larger travel agency, or grow your own client base through social media and personal referrals.
40) Start an event planning business
Events usually take place on weekends and evenings. Teachers are skilled at staying organized and managing people- so event planning can be a great side hustle for teachers!
41) Assist with catering and home events
When people throw parties from their homes (large birthday parties, bridal showers, etc.), they often need some help! You can get paid to help with set-up, serving, and cleaning up at parties. You can find jobs by listing your services on community Facebook groups, on TaskRabbit, and through networking/referrals.
42) Become a personal chef
If you have a talent for cooking, you can turn this into a profitable teacher side hustle by offering your services for private parties and events. You can use social media to promote your services, or list your services on a website such as TakeaChef.com
42) Coach a sport
43) Start an after school program
There are many group activities and classes that local students might be interested in taking after school. Group art classes, acting classes, photography classes, debate clubs, and coding are all popular after school activities perfect for a teacher side hustle depending on your interest and skill sets.
44) Teach “Mommy and Me” classes
This is a really fun teacher side hustle that you can do on evenings and weekends! Throughout college I taught “Mommy and Me” music classes for local families. If you charge $10 per child and have a group or 10-15 in a class, you can easily make $100-$150 per hour. I recommend networking through local Facebook groups to find clients. In the past, I would often find parents who wanted to host a weekly class in their homes for their friends.
45) Become a wedding officiant
Working as a wedding officiant is a great side hustle for teachers who are confident public speakers, like to lead a crowd, and who love weddings! The process to become an ordained wedding officiant differs by state and location. Once you are ordained, you can list your services on TheKnot.com or WeddingWire.com . Wedding officiants often charge anywhere between $150 and $750 for their services.
46) Become a college admissions essay coach
Working as a college admissions essay coach is a great side hustle for teachers with an English Language Arts background. As a college admissions essay coach, you can educate and guide students as to what admission offices look for in a college essay, as well as help proofread and edit essays.
47) Calligraphy business
If you have strong handwriting skills, then working as a Calligrapher could be a great teacher side hustle for you! You can offer your services addressing envelopes or handwriting place cards and escort cards for events. Calligraphers often charge anywhere between 75 cents to $5 per envelope or place card.
48) Host trivia nights
If you enjoy socializing with others and leading a room, then you can get paid to host trivia nights at local bars and restaurants. A few trivia companies who hire local hosts are Geeks Who Drink, Last Call Trivia, and Pour House Trivia.
49) Sell your photos
If you have a talent for photography, you can sell your photos on stock photo websites such as Shutterstock, iStock, and Alamy.
50) Become a personal assistant
Similar to being a virtual assistant, you can earn extra income by becoming a personal assistant. Personal assistant salaries are typically hourly and vary by city. Personal assistant job duties might include running errands, grocery shopping, or light cleaning.
Have you tried any of the above teacher side hustles or online part time jobs for teachers? Any other side hustles for teachers you would add to this list? Leave a comment below!
Are you looking for additional ways to save money as a teacher? Check out these two blog posts: